Opportunity Details


Opportunity from Birmingham City Council

This opportunity is now closed.


Contract Number: PQ0514


Birmingham City Council invites organisations to be considered to submit a quotation for the provision of HAYMAKING services as detailed in Section 1.3 in accordance with Birmingham City Council's Standard Quotation Terms and Conditions – Aug 2023.

The Council requires a supplier for the provision of cut, turn, bail and supply resultant hay at Woodgate Valley country Park.

There are 3 areas within the Park; Lye Avenue/ Pinewood Drive, Scotland Lane then the remainder of the Country Park which includes Clap gate Lane. The three areas will need to be cut , turned, and bailed, the areas cannot be cut until after 14th July in any given year. All maps will be provided before the tendering process commences.

The successful supplier will have to provide all Plant and Equipment, Labour, and Fuel suitable for carrying out the works specified. The supplier will be responsible for delivering and storing all bails to Woodgate Trekking centre as directed. Adequate access to all areas will be provided to the successful supplier on request, contact numbers will be provided before work commences.

The successful supplier will have to follow the Health and safety at work Act 1974 and all relevant legislation. We will require and need to agree the following documentation prior to works commencing; Risk Assessments and Safe Working Practices.

The successful applicant will be required to follow the Wildlife and Countryside Act1981 when carrying out the works.

It is anticipated the works will commence around July 2024 and completed by October 2024.

Quotations may be submitted by email to the following authorised recipient email address: Paul.Spinks@birmingham.gov.uk submission by any other means will not be considered. Access to the Quotations will only be made available to those employees of the Council who are responsible for the procurement process.

Requests to participate must be by way of completion and return of the quotation documentation no later than 12 noon (GMT) on Friday 31st May 2024.

Quotations submitted after this time will not be considered.

31/05/2024 12:00
B7 4BL
This information has not been made public.
Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers.
Landscaping work for parks.
Parks maintenance services.
Kate Cheng - Procurement Support Analyst, Birmingham City Council

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