Embracing the digital revolution in finance

22nd March 2021 16:00 to 17:00 Free


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain are emerging technologies that have the power to change industry on a scale not seen since the industrial revolution. These new technologies will inevitably create a level of uncertainty in the future of the finance industry.

Our digital revolution in finance programme delves into the most disruptive and exciting aspects of these technologies, how ICAEW and our members see the industry evolving over the next five to ten years, and what risks and opportunities we anticipate.

This programme will rely on subject matter experts to demystify key technologies and explain how they can be applied within industry to deliver value. We will speak to leaders working in and with small enterprises to global brands and discuss real life examples of how such technologies are benefiting business.

Following each session members will be equipped with greater knowledge and confidence to introduce these new technologies to their workplace or expand on their existing infrastructure.

The programme will focus on ICAEW’s key digital areas: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Data and Ethics (ABCDE).


22 March 20201 - 16:00 - 17:00 - Cyber Security – Steps to Keeping your Business Safe Online - Hosted by ICAEW Worcestershire

2 December 2021 - 12:00 - 13:00 - Ethics in a Digital World - Hosted by ICAEW Midlands

This event is free.

Location: Online event

Visit https://events.icaew.com/pd/19613/embracing-the-digital-revolution-in-finance

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