Social Charter

Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility
The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility aims to boost the local economy through support to the local supply chain, creation of job opportunities and ensuring employees are paid a fair wage.
Birmingham City Council is a Living Wage Employer and promotes the Living Wage through its procurement. View the Living Wage policy here >
What is the Charter?
The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility is a set of guiding principles to which Birmingham City Council (BCC) will adhere and invites its contracted suppliers, the wider business community, other public sector bodies (including schools) and third sector organisations (including grant recipients) to adopt. In some cases, adopting the Charter is a requirement of specific contracts or grants. In all cases, adopting the Charter is a visible and recognisable sign of your organisation's commitment to the local economy and its communities.
Charter signatories will need to consider and describe how they can improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of Birmingham and its citizens.
To find out more please visit our Social Charter Pages on the main Birmingham City Council website
For further details please contact Birmingham City Council by emailing: or click below.
Contact the Charter Team